Understanding Standards-Based Grading Systems and How It Improves the Quality of Education
The article focuses on the new innovation in education as an introduction to tutors and parents to better improve the child’s performance. Instead of a single overall grade like Mathematics 95{37093a1e488f90272f3cc953627e4f314733c269ca98560d9607a73721c3dd3d} = A, standards-based grading breaks down one subject matter into smaller learning targets like, Mathematical components are broken down into: “I can find the sum of two digit-numbers = 3, I can define a number sentence = 2, I can find the difference of two-digit number = 2. The progress of each student in every of the components of the “learning targets” is recorded throughout the semester or term from which the teachers can give the appropriate feedback. Is therefore follows that standards-based trading systems use a different grading scale from traditional grading methods. A was a high completion rate for student when they will have completed 90 to 100{37093a1e488f90272f3cc953627e4f314733c269ca98560d9607a73721c3dd3d} of the work, B was for the completion of 80 to 89{37093a1e488f90272f3cc953627e4f314733c269ca98560d9607a73721c3dd3d}, C was for the completion of 70 to 79{37093a1e488f90272f3cc953627e4f314733c269ca98560d9607a73721c3dd3d}, D was for the completion of 60 to 69{37093a1e488f90272f3cc953627e4f314733c269ca98560d9607a73721c3dd3d} while F was the completion of 0 to 59{37093a1e488f90272f3cc953627e4f314733c269ca98560d9607a73721c3dd3d} of the work. Standards-based grading on the other hand is based on any demonstration of mastery of a subject. This 1-4 is the most popular in standards-based grading as standards-based grading very worldwide and can be 1-5, 0-4, can also use half points and letters instead of numbers. Teachers present introductory lessons on the start of a new target and as students’ progress, they are presented with much more complicated material. Teachers filling the gap by giving regular feedback, reteaching the misunderstood subject and offering additional opportunities for students to perform better in the grading ladder. The process requires patience and practice and it is constantly repeated until the student reaches their target.
This helps the students to their areas of improvement, even if they are good in completing work, and helps them to reach in the highest levels of achievement. Traditional grading methods discriminated students with a low work rate and the teachers cannot sufficiently know how to improve the students as they will force them to adopt to the teaching system of which not all of them will respond well to. This grading system allows students to better understand the path to success and enables them to perform better and engaging their learning. Students can self-assess themselves and be able to reflect upon their own performance.
The traditional systems mechanically presented the teacher’s instructions in a curricular that had a lesson plan and because of the different planning rates of students, some are bored because of the slow pace of the teacher while some teachers will go extremely fast for the students that are slow. Students therefore learn more because of the improvement in the use of instructional time and this enables greater academic progress.
Standards-based grading is focused on learning and mastery which gives students a motivation to learn. In standards-based grading, scores go up as students learn and therefore it provides little room for early mistakes and enables them to have a reflective mastery at the end of the course.