I Am in Amsterdam Again

I got back here just about two weeks ago and I have been getting settled in. In fact things seem to be working out pretty well. The last time I was here I was really interested in this very attractive young lady, but she had a boyfriend at the time. At any rate I ran into her almost immediately when I returned and the obstacles are no longer there, except for right now she is undergoing commerciele training for her job. That is at this town called Appeldorn which is probably an hour to the East of here. Of course I have to really be careful when I travel in this country, it is not very difficult for me to get lost with the language barriers. I speak the language on a very limited level, but honestly I can manage because English is quite commonly spoken in all of the places where I go. At any rate the training starts early in the morning and ends in the evening, so there is not much time left for my pursuit.

Of course the big deal today is the Women’s National team winning their semifinal tonight against the Swedes. That is really important here, the Netherlands has had a good team for some time and they obviously want to be the USA for the Women’s World Cup. No one here wants to talk trash to me, because they are quite polite and they all know that we are very good at the women’s game. If it were men’s soccer then they would likely feel as though they had it in the bag, although I do not think that we even made the World Cup in men’s soccer. I obviously do not know as much about the game, offsides seems stupid to me for example.


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