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Going for a Cruise Trip in Nassau Bahamas: Here are Things to Do

Visiting the Bahamas could be what you are craving for. Before you start cruising it is essential to consider the activities you would want to carry out. Because Bahamas has several options you can take, there is no doubt making a choice can be daunting. Below is a complete guide of the things you should do in Nassau Bahamas.

Understanding the rich history of the Bahamas is one of the things you ought to do when you get there. Visiting the Pirates of Nassau Museum is one way of understanding the history. You will find it easier to know everything you would want to know about the time when the Bahamas was under the control of pirates. The fierce wars of 1680 and 1720 can also be learned about in this museum. The British Empire fought against the pirates. The museum also presents visiting families with an unforgettable experience. A history buff who wants to discover something new will also benefit from the visit. Something you should do before you forget is to buy Bahamian treasure at the gift shop.

Another important thing you ought to do as you cruise through the Bahamas waters is to look at rare gems found in the port. You can find these gems in museums surrounding the ports. Also present are landmark features that are important to see. Checking out museums such as the Grayclif’s Heritage Museum, the Balcony House Museum, the Pompey Museum of Slavery and Emancipation is something else you should do.

Before you leave Nassau Bahamas, it is also important to join an authentic Bahamian cooking class and a five star lunch experience.This class will enable you to understand island-cooking styles. That knowledge will come in handy in the future when you are preparing good meals. You can also use that knowledge to set up a restaurant serving the Bahamian cuisine back at home.

The National Art Gallery of the Bahamas has exceptional art that every cruiser will definitely enjoy looking at. The best artistic projects of famous artists can be found in this art gallery. This is a great way of learning more about the Bahamian culture through the eyes of an experienced local artist.

The last thing your family and you can really enjoy is participating in scuba diving. Scuba diving in the Bahamas water will let you see a beautiful seal life that is different from others you might have come across before. As if that is not enough, scuba diving in the Bahamas water allows you the opportunity to enjoy every moment besides the best divers from Bahamas.
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