A Guide to Understanding the Indian Administrative Service
The Indian Administrative Service is service that governs the civil services in India. You will find that the abbreviation, IAS, is commonly used for the Indian Administrative Service. The Indian Administrative Service is one of the most respected careers in India. The reason why the Indian Administrative Service area is very prestigious is because as an officer, you will be offered various benefits such as Internet allowances, vehicle, full-paid trips and medical allowances. Also, you will find that the Indian Administrative Service officers are paid well and are assured of their job security. So that you can become a member of the Indian Administrative Service, it is imperative for you to do an exam for IAS by IAS.
When you pass the Indian Administrative Service examination, it will then be possible for you to offer various services to the citizens through the government of India and you can hold a public office. The good thing about passing the Indian Administrative Service exam is that it will be then possible for you to serve in various top positions in the government of India such as the Cabinet Secretary for the Indian Administrative Service, director of intelligence Bureau of the Indian Police Service and the Foreign Secretary for the Indian Foreign Service. Out of the many people that sit for the Indian Administrative Service, only a few of them pass and it is therefore important for you to ensure that you prepare well before undertaking the exam.
As you probably know, the Indian Administrative Service exam is conducted through an online platform. If anyone wants to take part in the Indian Administrative Service examination, it is required of them to register before the remaining time to the deadline elapses and after completing the registration, they are sent the registration number. If you miss the deadline, then you will have to wait until one year for another opening to be there for people that want to register for the Indian Administrative Service.
You’ll find that the Indian Administrative Service examinations are undertaken into stages which are the preliminary examination stage and the main examination stage. It is only a few of the people that successfully complete their exams and make it to the final merit list. Before you are accepted as an Indian Administrative Service officer, you will be needed to take two more years of training so that to be equipped with certain skills and knowledge that you will be useful in helping you carry out your civil services. To discover more about the IAS By IAS, be sure to check out this page.